調光可能なLEDテーブルランプ、20W 1500ルーメン、2300K-6500K調整可能、工業用メタルシェル - 寝室、ダイニングルーム、リビングルーム用のシックなベッドサイドナイトスタンドランプ

Rating: 4.86 out of 5 (14)

💡超明るく快適な照明:Chiphy ベッドサイドランプは、20W/1500ルーメンの出力と7.3インチのLEDパネルにより優れた明るさを提供し、読書や仕事にリラックスできる柔らかな光を提供します。そのミニマリストなデザインは、リビングルームや寝室からオフィスや書斎まで、どんな部屋にもマッチします。

🔨アップグレードされた耐久性のある素材: 耐久性を向上させるためにフルメタルボディで作られています。放熱性に優れたアルミLEDパネルを採用し、寿命を10万時間まで延長。頑丈なスチールベースにより安定性が向上し、転倒を防ぎます。

🌟調整可能で目に優しい機能:7つの調光設定(1%-100%)、90°調整可能なLEDパネル、1/45分タイマーを備えたこのランプは、あらゆる照明ニーズに対応します。色温度は2300〜6500Kの範囲で、数秒で雰囲気を変えることができます。敏感なタッチ スイッチと高品質 LED ビーズ (Ra>95) により、ちらつきがなく、紫外線もなく、目のケアに最適です。

🏠多機能テーブルランプ:多用途に使用でき、照明、装飾、雰囲気、または植物育成ライトとしても最適です。常夜灯モードは深夜のニーズに合わせて最も暗い 1% の明るさを提供し、メモリー機能は最後の設定を呼び出します。コンパクトなデザインで、机、ナイトスタンド、ダイニングテーブルに簡単にフィットします。

🎁理想的なギフトの選択:シンプルでエレガントなデザインのこのランプは、アメリカ、ヨーロッパ、北欧、日本など、さまざまなホームスタイルに適しています。誕生日、新築祝い、記念日、結婚式、クリスマス、新年などの贈り物に最適です。あらゆる問題に対して、Chiphy は Amazon メッセージングを通じて専用のカスタマー サービスを提供します。









    Customer Reviews

    Based on 14 reviews
    Perfect ambient light

    They are lampstands before my talismans night and day

    Nice way to provide light for plants

    Finally, a grow light that looks good with home decor. It provides healthy light for humans and plants. Looks like a really cool floor lamp or table top lamp. Quality made. I bought several.

    Attractive Lighting Solution

    After using the chiphy-brand CORDED lamp for over a week now, I’m delighted to say that it’s every bit the lamp that’s described in the listing. Save the heavy dose of pictures that show the lamp as being cordless. Indeed, of the 7 pictures in the top half of the listing, only 2 show the cord. And in the lower half of the listing where the larger pictures are paraded, only 1 image shows the cord. You’ll have to forgive me for going on about the photo’s. But I’m embarrassed to say that I was taken in by the tactic of making the lamp appear cordless...sigh…

    No matter, the corded design is a small price to pay for a truly outstanding lamp. It has a space-age design that I find appealing, the built quality and materials are exceptional, and the adjustable light features make the lamp versatile for all moods and tasks. I was really needing a light at my work station that didn’t shine in my eyes. And this lamp delivered, with a rotating LED source that smoothly and accurately directs the light where it’s needed, or where it’s not. The LEDs illuminate a light spectrum capable of attaining 5 different color temperatures, ranging from the cool end of the scale (6500K) for tinkering, to the mid-point (4000K) for reading, and finally the warm end (2300K) when I’m done for the day and ready to kick back and relax. Of course, changes in color temperature are best when coupled with brightness control, and this lamp covers that with a 7-step dimmer. Both the color selection and brightness are managed by an industrial-looking control panel, where the circuitry that drives the lamp are on full display. It’s a pretty cool design feature that works well with the overall futuristic lines. But I could do without the company logo just underneath.

    My only complaint about this lamp involves the “tap” mechanism for changing the color temperature and brightness. Regardless of how deliberate I am with my technique, double-taps are often interpreted by the lamp as single taps. When this happens, I invariably get lost in the sequence, unsure if I changed color or brightness, and have to start all over from a MIN or MAX to get back on track. All this tapping takes place at the control panel, where you’ll find UP/DOWN arrows for adjustments, and an ON/OFF button for, well…ON/OFF. Not to mention an OFF timer and night light feature.

    Here’s a summary of my experience:

    * Classy look that’s an attention-getter. The looks alone will draw you in. And the light will keep you coming back for more.
    * Exceptional build blueprint using quality materials. This is one heavy-duty lamp, stable on its base, with not a single flaw in engineering, structural or functional.
    * The quality of the light that’s emitted is excellent. Light transmission is uniform with no evidence of hot spots or shadows.
    * Adjustable color temperature (5 levels) and brightness (7 levels). The selection range for both of these variables is sufficiently wide to accommodate a range of applications. Making this lamp HIGHLY VERSATILE.
    * The LED light source pivots on a balljoint, allowing the light to be tilted outward and rotated 360 degrees around the axis.
    * The range of the brightness control is equivalent at all color temperatures. Some lamps only providing the full range of brightness at the extremes of the color scale (i.e. cool white and warm white), due to limitations in the LED circuitry and/or specs. Not an issue with this lamp.
    * Night light feature.
    * Timer feature will shut the light off after 45 min or 1 min.
    * The lamp has MEMORY, both for color selection and brightness. Even if the lamp is unplugged.
    * The control panel has a night light when the lamp is OFF, making it easier to find in the dark.
    * No evidence of LED hum, buzz, or flickering at any of the color or brightness settings. Steady and silent!
    * Assembly was easy. All the parts fit together as intended.
    * Good printed manual for detailing the parts, assembly, and operation.

    * The “tap” control for brightness and color selection does not always distinguish one tap (brightness) from two taps (color).
    * Brightness dimming is step-wise rather than gradient. However, some users may actually find this to be an ADVANTAGE.
    * I could do without the logo below the control panel. Especially since the “word” looks like gibberish.
    * The only time that the control panel is illuminated is when the lamp is OFF. It’s a great feature, but it would have been nice if it was also illuminated when the night light was on, or when the brightness control was at MIN.
    * During assembly the wire that connects the LED lights to the power source below comes under tension. This can cause the top to loosen on its own. I’ve provided a work around below.
    * The price might be a bit high for some. But it’s worth it!

    This lamp is a winner, hands down! Even after owning for over a week I still take time just to sit and admire the style and lighting. Passersby are equally drawn to it, so I suspect it will become ...

    Unique, avant-garde appearance

    This is a pretty cool looking lamp. I like it a lot, but its techno-industrial look may not be for everybody. It features a heavy, steel base with what looks like a thin, protective sheet of rubber on the bottom. The flat light at the top can be angled in various directions to cast light where you want it. I believe the vertical pole may be aluminum. Assembly was simple and straightforward. The electrical connection from the top section to the pole section features a properly keyed electrical connector which aids correctly assembly. The lamp arrived complete, including adapter to plug into an electrical outlet. The 3 touch control panel looks high-tech owing to the visible circuit card beneath a clear window on the vertical pole. The company name appears directly below the control panel in blood-red letters.

    Jeff J
    A nice table lamp that has some unique features

    This is an unusual lamp that took some getting used to, but it has really grown on me. I am using it as a reading lamp next to my couch, and its adjustable head has proven to be a nice feature. Since it projects the light only in one direction, it is easy to project light where I want without it blinding me. Also, it has adjustable brightness, as well as adjustable color temperature. All of the controls are on the stem of the lamp, and they are easy to access and adjust. One thing that would be nice is a remote control, which it lacks. Overall, a useful lamp for my purposes.