ツイストウエストデザインフロアランプ - 調光可能、明るさ3段階調整可能、12Wx2 LED電球、ホワイトファブリックシェード - Chiphy
🌟柔らかく温かみのあるアンビエント照明:Chiphy フロアランプは、12Wx2 LED 電球で 3 レベルの明るさを提供し、最大 2400 LM (100W に相当) を提供します。 2700K の色温度は、甘く心地よい輝きを生み出し、リビングルーム、ベッドルーム、ダイニングエリア、オフィスなど、さまざまな環境の照明に最適です。
🎨特許取得済みのユニークなデザイン: ユニークで装飾的なデザインが特徴のこのスタンディングフロアランプは、現代的なものからボヘミアンなものまで、さまざまな家の装飾スタイルを引き立てます。単なる光源ではなく、部屋の雰囲気を高めるステートメントアイテムです。
🛠️簡単な組み立てと安全な使用: このランプの組み立ては、明確な説明書が付いているので簡単です。デュポン タイベック ランプシェードは軽量で防水性があり、お手入れが簡単です。丈夫なフレームなので安定感があり、お子様やペットのいるご家庭でも安心です。
💡長寿命で互換性のある電球:ランプは最大50,000時間の寿命を持つ耐久性のある電球を使用しています。追加の制御オプションとして、Philips Hue A19 などのスマート電球と互換性があります。エレガントさと実用性を兼ね備えた、あらゆる機会に最適なギフトです。

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Beautiful. Looks exquisite ! I got the XL size . So happy I purchased. I wanted something a little less traditional than a normal floor lamp and this went beyond my expectations. Highly recommend if you’re thinking about it, please purchase. Also LOVE the packaging it came in.
This floor lamp was exactly what I was looking for - it's absolutely beautiful! 3 settings so you can adjust the lighting mood. The shade appears to be durable and cleanable. I'm very pleased and would definitely recommend this lamp.
I must agree with other reviews -- this was VERY easy to assemble, unlike many furniture products we've bought in the past. The lamp looks nice, too.
The switch turns on at a low brightness, then off, then on at medium brightness, then off, then on a max brightness, and off and back to low. So it's low/off/medium/off/max/off. Most other lamps don't have to turn off between each brightness, like low/med/max/off.
We got these for our living room. They are a little taller than we wanted, but they work great! Great light, easy to assemble and great price.
This is a really nice looking light once all set up, but it really was a pain to get it put together and operational. It seemed simple enough to construct at first but once I got to the end and tried to apply tension, the fabric popped off the frame and it was impossible to get back on by myself. I had to get help to hold everything in place. The app is a bit confusing and took me way longer than it should have to get the lights synced with my phone, and even then I have to operate each bulb separately?? Still trying to figure out how to make the bulbs synced with each other. Also, giving a one star on the remote as I didn't receive one with the package.